Culture & Media Management

The production, maintenance, coordination, and development of communication between different partners, intensifying public relations (with a focus on social media presence) are some of the building blocks of successful management. Financial planning as well as the successful acquisition of third-party funding and participation in conceptual work, combined with a comprehensive view that simultaneously focuses on clear objectives, are indispensable for optimizing overall coordination with creativity, teamwork, and an open mind towards new unconventional paths.

The financing and organization of encounters of various orchestras at home and abroad, orchestra trips and tours to China, Greece, and Mexico, I was able to plan, execute, and evaluate successfully. Innovative concert ideas with the experimental new music ensembles “Cornucopia”, cross-genre projects, such as collaborations between orchestras and artists from the rap scene, and the project “Die Winterreise” with inmates of the JVA- Berlin/Tegel are examples of horizon expansion that I am always interested in. I hope to be able to shape a confrontation and connections with artists from various national, musical, and cultural circles and a heterogeneous audience. The organization and implementation of the music theater masterclasses at the Bayreuth Festival’s youth festival house and the festival at the Norilsk (Russia) music academy are examples of projects that have strongly influenced and developed my organizational talent and music cultural skills.

The acquisition of third-party funding and the marketing management of the expert group for Commedia dell’Arte “TAP” (Teatro dell’Arte Potsdam) and the role of the director at the Tübingen Student Philharmonic are currently very exciting tasks and challenges.


Additional Offers & Services

Out of love for music, with conviction and from the whole heart.

Conducting Lessons

Preparation for the Bachelor/Master entrance exam and preparation for competitions.

Vocal Coaching

Vocal coaching in opera song, operetta and musical repertoire.